Make a Difference

Invest in The Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund

Your donation is an investment in connecting people to housing! Consider a gift and make a difference for an individual or family.


The Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund was started in 2014 with $10,000 in seed funding from a City of Fargo Social Services grant and a pledge from CAPLP (Lakes and Prairies Community Action). 

 There are three ways to invest in the Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund

  1. Contributions of any amount can be made directly to the FM Coalition, designating the Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund (LRMF). Any amount is welcome, however your donation of $1,000 more can put an individual or household into the program.

  2. Contributions of $5,000 and greater can also be made to the FM Coalition to End Homelessness Endowment Fund, held at FM Area Foundation, designating a preference for the Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund. This contribution level qualifies for the North Dakota Charitable Income Tax Credit. Your accountant or tax attorney, the Coalition director, and/or staff at the FM Area Foundation can supply more information about the tax credit. 

  3. Contributions to the fund are tax deductible. The Coalition is a 501c3 corporation in good standing. The EIN is available upon request. Please contact the Coalition before making contributions to the Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund endowment.

 About the Fund

The money is dedicated to indemnifying the new leases of homeless households referred by partner agencies and cannot be accessed or used by the Coalition for any other purpose.

Decisions about applications are made by an advisory committee comprised of social service providers, real estate experts and landlords.

The money held in the fund directly impacts the number of people the Landlord Risk Mitigation advisory committee can approve for coverage. The history of similar funds is one of growing principle, as payouts are infrequent. In its first year of operation the Coalition approved thirty households for the fund and made one payout of $500 for a tenant that remains housed. The payout was a result of a tenant's lack of householding skills and was addressed by the landlord and the case manager working together to keep the individual in housing and address the skill deficit.

The Fund is a direct benefit to people experiencing homelessness who have barriers to stable housing, such as credit issues and encounters with the justice system. It is a direct benefit to landlords who need to responsibly manage their properties for the good of all tenants.

 Contributions can be made to the Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund via the donate button on this page, or by mailing a check to:

FM Coalition to End Homelessness
PO Box 5653
Fargo, ND 58105

(Please note “LRMF” in the memo line.)

You can also help sustain the work of the LRMF through a gift to the Coalition’s endowment. Endowment gifts meet the criteria for the North Dakota Endowment Fund Contribution Credit (For Individuals).

To invest in LRMF through our endowment, please contact the Coalition or the FM Area Foundation (701-234-0756) if you have any questions.

Contributions to the endowment can be send to:

FM Coalition Endowment Fund
c/o FM Area Foundation
409 7th St. S.
Fargo, ND 58103