A long term investment in Ending Homelessness
A group of generous donors established an endowment for the Coalition to invest in the longterm future and health of the Coalition and its mission to end homelessness through collaborative partnerships, innovative solutions, education, and advocacy. Currently this endowment benefits the Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund and as it grows will also nurture the future work of the Coalition in other longterm areas.
Endowment gifts meet the criteria for the North Dakota Endowment Fund Contribution Credit (For Individuals).
If you are interested in contributing to the endowment to advance the longterm work of the Coalition, please contact the executive director at the Coalition. For other questions and logistics, please contact the FM Area Foundation (701-234-0756) where the endowment is held.
Contributions to the endowment can be send to:
FM Coalition Endowment Fund
c/o FM Area Foundation
409 7th St. S.
Fargo, ND 58103
Bird’s eye view of downtown Moorhead, MN; the Red River of the North; downtown Fargo, ND; and West Fargo, ND; and west to the North Dakota horizon. The FM Coalition to End Homelessness’ mission is rooted in the FM Metro area and expands to a broader vision of ending homelessness in North Dakota, Minnesota, and beyond.